Historical Books
Original Language
Hebrew / Aramaic

Book Outlines

Outline Verses Read
The people God wants Ezra 1:1 - Ezra 1:11
People are important Ezra 2:1 - Ezra 2:60
Spiritual Ministry comes first Ezra 3:1 - Ezra 3:7
Ministry is teamwork Ezra 3:8 - Ezra 3:13
Facing obstacles Ezra 4:1 - Ezra 4:24
Overcoming obstacles Ezra 5:1 - Ezra 6:12
Completing the work of the Lord Ezra 6:13 - Ezra 6:22
Ezra prepared his heart Ezra 7:1 - Ezra 7:10
Ezra saw the Lord prepare the King Ezra 7:11 - Ezra 7:28
Building a spiritual leadership team Ezra 8:1 - Ezra 8:20
Developing the leadership team Ezra 8:21 - Ezra 8:36
Confronting sin among the people Ezra 9:1 - Ezra 9:15
Restoring the relationship to God Ezra 10:1 - Ezra 10:44

Book Chapters

Video Book Overview

External Links


Insight Table

Insights Values
Author Ezra
Chapters 10
Verses 280
Written Period 450 B.C.