Bible Name
Bible Mentions
Hebrew Name

Bible Verses

List of verses where "Nimrod" was mentioned.

Reference Verse
Reference Verse
Genesis 10:8 And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth.
Genesis 10:9 He was a mighty hunter before the LORD: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the LORD.
1 Chronicles 1:10 And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be mighty upon the earth.
Micah 5:6 And they shall waste the land of Assyria with the sword, and the land of Nimrod in the entrances thereof: thus shall he deliver us from the Assyrian, when he cometh into our land, and when he treadeth within our borders.

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Latitude 32.536503
Longitude 44.420882

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Bible Presence

Bible timeline and presence of Nimrod.